Published in: 2014
Pages: 38
IWA, Eawag-Sandec, GIZ
Parkinson, J., Lüthi, C., Walther, D.
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Sanitation21 is an important component of the global sanitation toolkit, which presents a planning framework based on international best practices. Initially developed in 2006, this updated version builds on recent experiences where good planning has formed an integral part of achieving improvements in urban sanitation.
In the context of this document, planning is essentially about responding to real needs and making informed decisions about investments for sanitation improvements involving the prudent use of resources to meet recognized priorities. It helps to identify here investments are required, secure the necessary finances for implementation, and enable cost-recovery for long-term sustainability of sanitation services. The document sets out key principles and process guidelines to help city stakeholders develop appropriate and affordable solutions to sanitation problems, taking into account technology issues, management arrangements, institutional challenges and demands for improvement from different stakeholders. The framework is structured around the following five stages:
STAGE 1: Build institutional commitment and partnership for planning
STAGE 2: Understand the existing context and define priorities
STAGE 3: Develop systems for sanitation improvement
STAGE 4: Develop models for service delivery
STAGE 5: Prepare for implementation
Parkinson, J., Lüthi, C., Walther, D. (2014). Sanitation 21 - A Planning Framework for Improving City-wide Sanitation Services. IWA, Eawag-Sandec, GIZ
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