Dear SuSanA members and friends,
It was an amazing and fruitful month for SuSanA as well as for many sanitation and WASH enthusiasts. The compact one-day 32nd SuSanA virtual meeting brought together over 100 SuSanA members online, sharing new knowledge and progress towards our common goal of achieving the SDGs. SuSanA then participated in the World Water Week 2022 in Stockholm, as a session co-convener and an exhibitor on site. During this week, we did not only strive to tackle the “unseen value of water” from the sanitation perspective, but also provided a stage for SuSanA partners to present their innovations to a broader audience.
Moreover, the change process towards SuSanA 2.0 is underway and we would like to draw your attention to the upcoming election of the SuSanA Global Steering Committee. The election will take place online from 17 to 20 October. Regional representatives from all over the world will be elected to form the new decision-making body of SuSanA. We invite you to check the candidates in your respective voting regions and mark the election in your calendar - every vote counts!
Many regional conferences such as LatinoSan2022, FSMA7 & AfWA congress are coming soon, and you can still register or contribute. More details can be found below.
For more updates, events and new resources, please screen the various topics of this newsletter and explore further through the links. Have a great time!
Yours sincerely,
Arne, Alexandra, Maren, Teresa, Daphne and Yuxiao
on behalf of the SuSanA Secretariat