Developing a decision support tool that will help cities provide cost-effective and sustainable sanitation options for all, especially the urban poor
User-friendly technology decision support tool integrates cost, cap/opex costs, logistics, equity, resource constraints (e.g. water/land/energy), human skills in a way that aligns with cities' existing management planning approaches and resources. In Phase I, a Proof-of-Concept (PoC) has been developed and used in one Urban Local Body (ULB) in India to determine technology choice options. Phase II will allow CSTEP to convert the PoC to a fully functional sanitation planning/decision-making tool. It will also be modified to link it to Saniplan (CEPT tool) suited to Fecal Sludge Management (FSM) and be part of the FSM Toolbox to be developed by Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), and help in capacity building of the FSM Toolbox in India.
The tool analysis informs multiple levels of government and technical decision makers , as part of the FSM toolbox (being developed by AIT, Bangkok), that will address the different tools, mnauals, guidelines etc., at different stages of the FSM process for a city.
Phase 1 of this project was called: A Platform for Integrated Sanitation Investment Planning (Proof of Concept)
- Develop a tool (from PoC) for city-wide sanitation planning that reduces the information costs associated with evaluating the costs and benefits of investing in different urban sanitation solutions (including centralized, decentralized, off-site, on-site, FSM and effluent treatment). Tool allows the user to compare and analyze potential investments in different types of sanitation technologies from different perspectives (technology, financial, environmental, etc).
- Sanitation planning tools demonstrated, using actual city data, in collaboration with 5 Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) in India . The elements of the FSM toolbox is validated and tested.
- Communication and Capacity Building
Research or implementation partners:
Practical Action: They are working with 2 cities in Odissa, India, and will facilitate testing of the CSTEP Tool along with the AIT Toolbox. Asian Institute of Technology will be developing the FSM Toolbox and CSTEP will be testing the same in cities with help of other partners like Practical Action.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Capacity development Cities East Asia & Pacific Enabling environment and institutional strengthening Global Market development Operation, maintenance and sustainable services Practitioners Technology comparisons University, education or research institution Urban (entire city)
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