Integrated Waterresource Management
Since water resources in Morocco are distributed unevenly and water resources are overused and threatened by pollution, the German-Moroccan technical Cooperation came up with a new water strategy. The aim is to strengthen the competencies of the national water resource agencies and improving the communication between different stakeholders in the water sector on the one, and advancing sewage water recycle and reuse on the other hand.
GIZ has already commenced training of employees in a seminar about collection of sewage water, cleaning and reuse. Pilot projects constructed urine-diverting dry toilets, biogas plants and wetlands for wastewater treatment. These stand as examples of ecological sanitation reusing wastewater and faecal sludge as irrigation, fertilisers for energy production or reuse in wastewater treatment plants.
The pilot projects are of great interest as they establish water reuse in rural areas and connect wastewater management with production of renewable energies.
Image: GIz Morocco Agire
Pierre Guillibert
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German government Government-owned entity (not university or research) Middle East & North Africa Specific to one or several countries
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
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