Published in: 2011
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Stuber, N., Riad, M., Husselmann, H., Fahrländer, F.
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This case study is about a pilot development project of a decentralised wastewater management system with a community-based approach in the Nile Delta, village of Moufty El-Kobra, Egypt. The wastewater management system serves 2,750 persons. The project is part of a GIZ Water Supply and Wastewater Management Programme, financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Collaboration and Development (BMZ).
With regards to long-term impacts of the project, the main impact of the project is improved community hygiene through a wastewater treatment system based on a community approach. Before the project, there was no wastewater management in the village. In comparison to the traditionally used wastewater trenches, the new system reduces health risks significantly. No wastewater is found in the streets of the village anymore.
Another positive development is that households now can use washing machines due to the connection to a sewerage system. This relieves burdens especially from the women, who before had to do their washing at the closest water source (river or channel). The water consumption has increased from around 35 l/person*d to 68 l/person*d, which implies higher hygiene standards.
Awareness about health and environmental issues was lacking before the start of the project. Through the awareness campaigns, knowledge about water related diseases, hygienic and environmental aspects improved. People now are trying harder to keep the environment clean. One example is that the village started with the collection of solid waste. In general, with the CDA the people now have an institution through which they can communicate their demands.
Stuber, N., Riad, M., Husselmann, H., Fahrländer, F. (2011). Community-managed wastewater treatment system in El-Moufty El-Kobra, Kafr El-Sheikh, Egypt - Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template English Middle East & North Africa Rural
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