Published in: 2017
Dubois, A.
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This case study describes the Upscaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor (UBSUP) programme, which is a country-wide up-scaling intervention aimed at providing access to basic household sanitation in urban low income areas of Kenya. UBSUP is anchored at the Water Sector Trust Fund with technical support from GIZ and funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the German Government through the German Development Bank (KfW). The programme is implemented by licensed Water Services Providers (WSP/utilities) and covers the entire sanitation service chain. UBSUP undertakes the scaling up of the following activities: promotion of improved toilets at household level, involvement of the private sector to provide emptying and transport services, implementation of Decentralised Treatment Facilities (DTF) to offer treatment and safe disposal of the faecal sludge. In the current phase (2011-2018) UBSUP aims to provide sustainable sanitation for at least 400,000 people.
Dubois, A. (2017). Up-scaling Basic Sanitation for the Urban Poor (UBSUP) in Kenya. SuSanA
Case studies in SuSanA template English Sub-Saharan Africa Urban informal settlements (slums)
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