Published in: 2019
Pages: 20
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Eschborn, Germany
Schlenk, J., Pizzacalla, K., Korb, C., Monse, B.
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This publication is the follow up of the first and second volume of WASH in Schools best practices by SuSanA partners. This third volume focuses on the topic of monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The aim is to show how digital approaches for M&E can be used to trigger action for improvements in WASH in Schools.
It introduces the WHO/UNICEF JMP core and expanded questions and indicators for monitoring WASH in Schools within the SDG Monitoring Framework and shows how these questions have been successfully used by government agencies in India and the Philippines.
These country examples present practices how to use monitoring beyond reporting purpose: monitoring is used to trigger action on school, district, province and national level. These digital monitoring systems enable governments to develop incentive systems and motivate schools to continuously improve their WASH in Schools status in a stepwise manner.
GIZ and UNICEF – both partners of SuSanA – have developed the Three Star Approach for WASH in Schools, which has been adopted by the Ministries of Education in many countries. This approach provides the basis for the monitoring systems developed in these two case studies.
It is clear in these examples that data collection on this scale is only made feasible through the use of digital solutions. Incorporating new technologies allows national governments to collect data from tens of thousands of schools into one system and provide a feedback loop including guidance for improvement back to the schools.
The best practice from India “Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar” (Clean School Award) by Prof. Srinivas Chary Vedala and Dr. Y. Malone Reddy.
The best practice from the Philippines “DepEd WinS” (National Monitoring) by Abram Abanil, Dr. Ella Cecilia Gamolo-Naliponguit, Nicole Siegmund, and Adelina Velasco.
Schlenk, J., Pizzacalla, K., Korb, C., Monse, B. (2019). Digital Monitoring Approaches to Trigger Action - Making WASH in Schools more Sustainable (Volume III). Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Eschborn, Germany
Case studies in SuSanA template East Asia & Pacific English Publications by SuSanA Schools
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