Published in: 2009
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Dawa, S., Kreutzer, G., Panesar, A.
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This case study shows a constructed demonstration toilet of the traditional Ladakhi toilet with improved ventilation in an Ecology Center guest house in Jammu & Kashmir, India. The toilet is used by approximately 100 persons per day.
This project serves an educational purposes representing the revitalisation of the traditional ecological sanitation practice that is threatened to be forgotten with the introduction of innovative technologies.
The toilet at LEDeG is a Traditional toilet system used by the workers and visitors of the LEDeG Ecology Centre in Leh. Due to an extremely dry climate it is possible to process human excreta indoors without prior diversion of urine, by using a combination of soil composting and dehydration. Soil and excreta are pushed down the drop hole together. This prevents odours and provides a hygienic solution.
Problems have occured because people add extra moisture by using water and not enough soil is available. Two solutions have been implemented in the demonstration toilet:
- A two pit traditional Ladakh toilet systemwhere urine and excreta are collected separately.
- Trombe wall solar passive toilet system, that uses higher temperature to enforce the composting process.
The demonstration toilet in the Ecology Center is properly used and maintained and is accepted as the traditional solution. However it may not be suitable for people with different toilet behavior (if they are clueless about the system).
Dawa, S., Kreutzer, G., Panesar, A. (2009). Improved traditional composting toilets with urine diversion, Leh, Jammu and Kashmir State, India - Draft. Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template East Asia & Pacific English Rural Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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