Published in: 2012
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
McConville, J., Rosemarin, A.
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The EETP initiated by the Dongsheng District Government and the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) has adopted the approach of sustainable sanitation in multi-storey buildings in an urban large-scale implementation for 3,000 residents. Urine diversion dry toilets (with bins in the basement), greywater treatment facilities, solid waste composting and the reuse as a fertiliser in the agriculture have been implemented with the aim to reduce the impacts of the water scarcity in Erdos City, Inner Mongolia.
The project was carried out between 2003 and 2009 as a full-scale market-based housing project along with R&D and testing. The project suffered seriously from the lack of building inspection which explained much of the problems surrounding poor ventilation performance in some of the apartment buildings. Design improvements in both the ventilation and toilet system were made during the latter part of the project robust enough to compensate for poor workmanship and lack of inspection.
The quickly increasing standard of living among the citizens in this coal-mining area of China (striving for flush toilets) and the lack of interest to invest further in a dry toilet project by the municipal government led to the termination of the original EETP in 2009. Mini-flush toilets were installed with onsite treatment and water reuse, also a promising form of sustainable sanitation for this part of China.
The SuSanA case study identifies the key aspects of the project and gives recommendations from a review workshop held in 2009 for future urban projects on ecological sanitation.
McConville, J., Rosemarin, A. (2012). Urine diversion dry toilets and greywater system, Erdos City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China - Case study of sustainable sanitation projects. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA)
Case studies in SuSanA template East Asia & Pacific English Faeces or faecal sludge Urban (entire city) Urine Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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