Published in: 2003
eThekwini Municipality
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The eThekwini Municipality basic sanitation and water programme has placed emphasis on training and support to the users of the UDDTs and water tanks in the programme.
The training manual and the accompanying notes to the manual and the general notes were developed by the eThekwini Municipality and used by ISP consultants in the field to train community facilitators for the programme.
The manual should be read together with the manual notes and general notes and the following are the objectives:
* providing one single training manual that can be utilized by
- ISD Consultants
- English literate Community Facilitators
- Zulu literate Community Facilitators
- Partially literate Community Facilitators
* addressing the most essential areas
* maintaining simplicity as far as possible
* presenting a concept of training (facilitation)
* documenting training material that can be used as ongoing reference for
Community Facilitators
* presenting ideas to enhance facilitation provided by the ISD
Consultant/s and to encourage participation of the Community
* Encompassing in the training manual a form of assessment by the ISD
Consultant and by peers through presentation (role play) of material
eThekwini Municipality (2003). eThekwini water and sanitation programme facilitator training manual, Durban, South Africa - Institutional and Social Development (ISD) consultants training guidelines.
Educators English Faeces or faecal sludge Guidelines and manuals Peri-urban Practitioners Rural Sub-Saharan Africa Trainer manuals (adult learning) Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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