Published in: 2011
WSP, World Bank
Devine, J., Kullmann, C.
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Sanitation marketing is an emerging field with a relatively small group of practitioners who are learning by doing. With an Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing, the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP) seeks to contribute to the field by sharing practical guidance on the design, implementation, and monitoring of rural sanitation marketing programs at scale in India, Indonesia, and Tanzania, plus additional projects implemented in Cambodia and Peru. As a new community of practice, our goal is to capture and translate WSP’s learning into practical recommendations. At the same time, we recognize that best practices will evolve as more programs are implemented and new learning takes place.
Devine, J., Kullmann, C. (2011). Introductory Guide to Sanitation Marketing - WSP Scaling Up Rural Sanitation. WSP, World Bank
East Asia & Pacific English Guidelines and manuals Market development (WG2) Practitioners Rural Sub-Saharan Africa
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