Published in: 2011
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SuSanA secretariat
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This package is designed to help address the WASH in Schools monitoring deficit at the national level. It is designed as a resource for WASH and Education professionals and practioners to strengthen national monitoring
systems and to improve the quality of monitoring at the project level.
The package consists of three modules:
The EMIS module: a set of basic monitoring questions on WASH in Schools to be incorporated into national Education Monitoring Information
Systems (EMIS), usually administered annually
The survey module: a more comprehensive set of questions, observations and focus group discussion guidelines for use in national WASH in Schools surveys as well as for sub-national, project level or thematic surveys
The children’s monitoring module: a teacher’s guide and tool set for the monitoring of WASH in Schools by students, including observation checklists, survey questions and special monitoring exercises.
UNICEF (2011). WASH in Schools - Monitoring Package. UNICEF
English Practitioners Schools Sustainable WASH in institutions and gender equality (WG7)
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