Published in: 2010
International Development Enterprises (IDE), Professionels Du Développment Solidaire
Clouet, B.
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IDE and GRET propose a new and complete model for a rural sanitation system. The main design is for a combined shower and dry latrine which contains a number of innovative features from the production process to the adaptation of the product for a sanitation marketing approach. This is possibly the first time that a toilet, replicable via an industrial process has combined all these elements at such a low cost, giving choice to the people between pour flush or UDDT for the same price, making possible its introduction to the market without subsidies. In order to share the solutions to lowering the price of this toilet, we have developed this technical handbook where you�ll find all the information you need to start production. The main aim of presenting three designs is to allow you to adapt your production to people�s technological demands and willingness to use UDDT. These three models are made out of the same
molds and sold for the same price, which result in a cheaper investment for the mason.
Combined Shower, Urine Diversion Dry Toilet and drip irrigation system Design for ECO-SANITATION MARKETING
We propose a new and complete model for a rural sanitation system. The design is for a combined shower and dry latrine which contains a number of innovative features from the production process to the adaptation for sanitation marketing approach. Using an eco-sanitation design is a big step forward towards improved water management and food security, both of which are priorities in the developing world. This is possibly the first time that a latrine, replicable in an industrial process has combined all these elements at such a low cost, making possible its introduction on the market without subsidies.
Clouet, B. (2010). Easy shower latrine technical handbook. International Development Enterprises (IDE), Professionels Du Développment Solidaire
East Asia & Pacific English Guidelines and manuals Practitioners Rural Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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