Published in: 2011
GIZ, AHT Group
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SuSanA secretariat
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The oasis town of Béni Abbès is located in the catchment basin of the Oued Saoura in the North-Western Sahara. In this area the average annual precipitation is generally below 100 mm and falls over a six month period of the year. The main objective of the sanitation activities of this IWRM project is to support the elaboration of an overall strategy for the future management of all wastewater, ensuring the collection and treatment of the generated wastewater within the oasis and to maximise its reuse potential.
GIZ, AHT Group (2011). Réutilisons des eaux grises pour les petits jardins Protégeons notre Source Sidi Othmane Faisons Florisser notre oasis (in French) - Reuse greywater for small gardens protecting our Source Sidi Othmane Florisser.
French Greywater or wastewater Guidelines and manuals Middle East & North Africa Peri-urban
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