Published in: 2006
Capacity Building for Habitat Improvement in the Hindu Kush Programme, European Union, Austrian Development Agency
Nienhuys, S.
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The fly lands on many types of waste and food, vomits on it, mixes it, sucks it up anc leaves its excrements. Fly vomit is acid and dissolves the food. Fly vomit and excrements contain germs and bacteria harmful to people. Flies lay eggs in manure and rotten food. They also carry around germs and bacteria on their legs.
Keep flies out of your neighbourhood - remove the breeding grounds such as excrements and food waste.
Nienhuys, S. (2006). Journey of a fly (awareness raising poster/drawing). Capacity Building for Habitat Improvement in the Hindu Kush Programme, European Union, Austrian Development Agency
Educators English Posters, brochures and flyers Sub-Saharan Africa
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