Published in: 1993
Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), USA
Gavin, J., Hockley, T., Joyce, S.
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This training guide provides systematic skill development for local development agents in the steps and techniques necessary for developing or upgrading a sanitation improvement and latrine construction program-a program that involves the community from the start in clarifying the problem and choosing the appropriate interventions. The guide presents the role of the development agent-the training program participant-as that of sanitation educator, community facilitator and catalyst, and resource for identifying latrine options and supervising latrins construction and maintenance.
To equip the development agent with the right skills and values for success, the program devotes consic!erable time to developing specific skills in identifying excreta disposal behaviors, selecting the appropriate latrine design, planning, supervising construction, assessing and upgrading existing latrines, and making sanitation education interactive.
The training program does not address construction skills, however. For example, it does not teach participants how to mix and pour cement. What it does provide is the necessary skills to oversee latrine construction. It assumes that the actual construction will be carried out at the community level by a b-ailder, or by the families a builder has trained, and not by the development agent.
Gavin, J., Hockley, T., Joyce, S. (1993). Community sanitation improvement and latrine construction program - A training guide. Water and Sanitation for Health Project (WASH), USA
English Guidelines and manuals Rural Sub-Saharan Africa
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