Published in: 2011
Consultancy report by GRET, commissioned by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, USA
Frenoux, C., Tsitsikalis, A.
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If many stakeholders have paid attention to the access to sanitation growth rate, fewer organizations have offered a comprehensive analysis of the extraction and transportation of fecal sludge in Cambodia.
Few in-depth and global surveys and analysis have yet been conducted. Though, many SMEs, extraction & transportation operators, either manual or mechanical, latrine builders and other “informal” stakeholders are active in this sector. They are working day to day to build and disseminate sanitation products and services. They play a great role which is not recognized yet:
- they provide a complementary service to households who cannot afford being connected to a piped sewage system;
- these systems are flexible, adaptable and affordable to the demand and they are providing employment and incomes to an unskilled population;
Within this framework, the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation intended to start an in-depth survey of Fecal Sludge Management in Cambodia in order to provide a comprehensive analysis of the sector and to identify key recommendations and potential steps to move forward.
(no summary is available in the report)
Frenoux, C., Tsitsikalis, A. (2011). Landscape analysis and business model. Assessment in fecal sludge management: Extraction & transportation models - Cambodia - Final report, Volume 1 Main Report. Consultancy report by GRET, commissioned by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, USA
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