Published in: 2006
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Germany
Rosemarin, A.
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SuSanA secretariat
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The demand for ecological sanitation services is not yet main-stream but indications of increased awareness and interest are showing that this could quickly change. In 2005 there were three international conferences dealing with ecosan in South Africa, India and Syria. Also, some 100
projects are currently underway in various countries. The need for improved sanitation services is enormous as outlined by the MDG work. Some 2.6 billion people currently lack sanitation services and this figure is increasing indicating that there is a need for significant innovation if this trend is to be abated. Enormous investments will be made over the next decade in order to help meet the MDG on water and sanitation and this goal has major and direct implications on several of the other MDGs. Sanitation as a sector has not really yet entered the era of sustainable development. Trends involving source separation and recycling seen within the solid waste sector have not really begun within the sanitation sector. The advocacy, development and demonstration of ecological sanitation approaches in developing countries will therefore help provide new possible solutions and choices and this clearly justifies the next phase of the EcoSanRes Programme, sponsored by Sida.
Rosemarin, A. (2006). EcoSanRes Programme - Phase Two 2006-2010. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH, Germany
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