Published in: 2015
Pages: 9
Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Eschborn, Germany
Dauenhauer, K.
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This thematic discussion addressed the role of finance for achieving successful sanitation outcomes for urban areas. In particular, the role of taxes both at the national and local level was examined, microfinance models for households and small businesses were evaluated and the question of how cities can achieve full cost re-covery of sanitation services by blending different forms of finance was discussed. Moreover, participants highlighted how the different levels can come together to sustainably finance every part of the sanitation chain. Finally, they located finance within the broader eco-system that is required to achieve sustainable sani-tation outcomes.
The Thematic Discussion Series on urban sanitation finance was organised and hosted by the Sustainable
Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA) on the SuSanA Discussion Forum Platform.
Macro Level: Domestic Public Finance
Meso Level: City Level Sustainable Full Cost Recovery
Micro Level: Micro-finance
Macro/Meso/Micro: Interconnections
Beyond Finance: Challenges & Opportunities
Food for Thought
Dauenhauer, K. (2015). TDS Urban Sanitation Finance Synthesis. Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Eschborn, Germany
English Peri-urban Publications by SuSanA Publications by SuSanA Urban (entire city)
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