Published in: 2016
Pages: 28
Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology, Sydney
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Freya Mills
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Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology Sydney
During 2012-2014, SNV did four country reviews of legal arrangements for urban sanitation and hygiene in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Indonesia. Based on these experiences, this guide was developed to provide support and guidance for WASH practitioners undertaking a scan of legal arrangements to inform the design (use of frameworks and tools) and delivery (advocacy for improvements) of urban sanitation and hygiene programs.
Prepared for SNV’s Urban Sanitation & Hygiene for Health and Development (USHHD) programme with input from Antoinette Kome, Katie Ross, Naomi Carrard, Juliet Willetts, Freya Mills, Kumi Abeysuriya, Janina Murta.
Cite this guide as: SNV and ISF-UTS (2016) Exploring legal and policy aspects of urban sanitation and hygiene.
ISF-UTS, SNV (2016). Exploring legal and policy aspects of urban sanitation and hygiene. Institute for Sustainable Futures - University of Technology, Sydney
English Politicians and local decision makers Urban (entire city)
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