Published in: 2016
Pages: 16
German Toilet Organization in collaboration with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Germany
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The WASH ePaper is an online magazine published at regular intervals in German, English, French and Spanish. Each issue takes a closer look at a current key issue in the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) sector and related areas. It also provides updates on forthcoming national and international events, highlights current publications and projects, and reports on news from the sector. The WASH e-paper is published by the German Toilet Organization in close cooperation with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance.
On the eve of the HABITAT-III Conference in Quito from October 17-20, 2016, the sixth issue of the WASH ePaper is devoted to the central topic of the conference, the "New Urban Agenda“. The current edition reflects the discussion and the strategic options in the WASH sector, addressing the New Urban Agenda's blueprint for the management of urban water supply and sanitation. The content of this issue is mainly based on presentations from the Conference “Key Elements of a New Urban Agenda”, organised by BORDA in Bremen, Germany.
GTO (2016). WASH ePaper - Issue No.6 (in English, French and Spanish). German Toilet Organization in collaboration with the German WASH Network and the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (SuSanA), Germany
English French Spanish
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