Published in: 2013
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SuSanA Admin
Partner profile:
Stockholm Environment Institute
Sanitation Experts Discuss their Projects with Stockholm Environment Institute Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Grantees Title: "Innovation in Toilet Designs and Treatment Technologies"
This is the recording of an online expert chat using Adobe Connect hosted by Stockholm Environment Institute (Arno Rosemarin) on 12 September 2013. It is part of a larger grant that SEI received in November 2012 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The topic of this expert chat was ""Innovation in toilet designs and waste treatment technologies"", and it was the second expert chat in a series this year with the aim to give increased exposure to the BMGF research grants which are also discussed on the SuSanA Discussion Forum.
Moderator: Nelson Ekane (SEI)
Information about the grants:
1) The Toronto Toilet
2) Self Sustained eToilet with Sewage Treatment
3) Diversion for safe sanitation
4) Effective Sewage Sanitation with Low CO2 Footprint
SEI (2013). 2nd SEI Webinar: Innovation in Toilet Designs and Treatment Technologies.
English Videos and webinar recordings
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