Published in: 2013
Pages: 83
Amhara Regional Health Bureau, Bahir-Dar, Ethiopia
Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau
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Sterenn Philippe
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This session will help participants visualize the role of the Volunteer Community Health Promoters and the link between WASH and healthy living in their communities. Participants will observe, discuss and analyze the roots of fecal contamination and its effect on the health and identify barriers that can improve the well being of all community members.
Sponsored by WSP and USAID.
Amhara National Regional State Health Bureau (2013). Training Manual on Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion and Community Mobilization for Volunteer Community Health Promoters (VCHP) - Draft. Amhara Regional Health Bureau, Bahir-Dar, Ethiopia
English Sub-Saharan Africa Trainer manuals (adult learning)
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