Published in: 2012
IRC, The Hague, Netherlands
Kvarnstrom, E., Verhagen, J., Vishwanath, Singh, K., Ramachandran, S.
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Sterenn Philippe
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Waste is a resource in the wrong place. People that have no sewer connection do go to the toilet though urban authorities seem to think differently given the neglect of the multitude of sanitation self-service models that have emerged in many cities. During this webinar Joep Verhagen presented the results of a case study. The case study investigates a model that is based on the productive use of faecal sludge by farmers in and around Bangalore. This particular service has emerged without any technical or financial support.
Kvarnstrom, E., Verhagen, J., Vishwanath, Singh, K., Ramachandran, S. (2012). IRC webinar: commercial productive use of faecal sludge - Commercial Re-use in Bengaluru. IRC, The Hague, Netherlands
East Asia & Pacific English Videos and webinar recordings
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