Published in: 2018
Various Authors
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The 6th International Dry Toilet Conference 2018 was held in Tampere, Finland on 22nd – 24th August 2018. The theme of the conference was Dry Toilet Goes Circular with a focus on Cooperation, Co-creation and Experimentation.
Please find the oral presentations and poster presentations below via the links to the page of the GlobalDry Toilet association of Finland.
***** Oral Presentations: *****
Alisa Keesey: Container-based Sanitation at the Standing Rock Protest: an experiment in communal toilet management and extreme composting in rural North Dakota, USA
Jan Hitzegrad:Pilot Project for Basic Needs Service Provision for Rural Households in Mexico – A status report
Jean Gaston: Implementation of a dry toilet with biocontrolled litter device in an Haitian rural area
Oyungerel Tsedevdamba: Promoting Sustainable Sanitation to Mongolian Public Using a Book and Nationwide training
Linus Dagerskog: Return to learn – ecosan use and reuse post-project in villages in Burkina Faso and Niger
Mariya E. Kelova: Dry toilets technology review within the framework of circular economy: The transformation of human excreta into new resources and risks associated with their utilization
Surendra K Pradhan: Mineral fertilizer production from human urine using Gaspermeable hydrophobic membrane
Derek Lam: Eco toilet DEHTLET system
Xanthe Roux: Assessing two toilet designs and how innovative technologies might lead to better acceptance
Yoshiki Higuchi: Introduction of Compact Compost Toilet as a Disaster Preparedness to Detached Housing in Japan
Linus Dagerskog: Developing the Clean and Green Village framework – combining advantages from CLTS and ecological sanitation for rural health and productivity
Nyambe Sikopo: The image of peri-urban sanitation and health through the eyes of the young: Understanding community sanitation and health in Lusaka, Zambia
Min Prasad Basnet: Sustaining sanitation movements generating livelihoods for low income households
Namaste Lal Bhoomi Shrestha: Social and Cultural Aspects of Sustainable Sanitation
Joseph Jenkins: Thermophilic Composting as a Sanitation Alternative in Nicaragua
Edith Godfroy: Implemented practices of ecological sanitation – Food security – Social and cultural aspects of sustainable sanitation (Burkina Faso)
Ole Ersson: Community composting toilet system using IAPMO WE-Stand
Natasha Dokovska: Water and Sanitation Safety Planning(WSSP) in Rural Areas of Eastern Europe
Claudia Wendland: Community Based Data on Sanitation and MHM at Home, Work and School Worldwide
Benjamin C. Wilde: Nitrified Urine Fertilizer Field Trial: An Ecological Assessment of NUF on Maize Growth in South Africa
S.Vishwanath: The reuse of untreated waste-water and faecal sludge in a small town – the nudge approach
Fedde Jorritsma: Producing heat and compost from humanure with Biomeilers
J. M. Raude: Faecal Sludge Briquettes: Turning Human Waste Into Energy
Eeva-Liisa Viskari: Fertilizer potential of human urine in barley cultivation
Tamene Hailu: Characterization and Valorization of fecal for Development of Sustainable Urban Sanitation in Ethiopia
Samuel Autran: Container-based Sanitation as a low-cost solution in high-need areas: a case study review of community-based compost sanitation in six countries
Bimal Tandukar: Aerobic Bio-Composting Toilet – An affordable toilet solution to sustain ODF
M. Ganesapillai: Self Sustained Sanitation for Resource Recovery of Plant Essential Nutrients
Prithvi Simha: From liquid waste to dry commercial-grade fertiliser: Alkaline dehydration technology for urine-diverting toilets
Verster Bernelle: Getting everyone – rich and poor – to use urine diversion dry toilets: moving to resource recovery and equitable sanitation in the South African context
Ben Aguilar: Winning back the health of Filipino schoolchildren: the relationships between the Department of Education’s Wash in Schools Program, School Based Feeding Program, and Philippine Informal Reading Inventory
Renata Coura: Nitrogen recovery from agroindustrial wastewater by struvite precipitation in a strategy to overcome methane production inhibition by ammonium nitrogen
Gina S Itchon: Improving the Nutritional Outcomes of School-based Feeding for Filipino Children: Integrating Nutrition, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)
Hasti Rezaei: Promotion and implementation of ECOSAN with corporation and creativity of stakeholders in University of Tehran, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UTCAN)
Claudia Wendland: National Technical Standard for Construction and Operation of UDDT in Moldova – 10 years ecosan success story from grassroot to national level
Lloyd-EkoLakay in Haiti: Can Container-Based Sanitation be a Key Component of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation for Dense Urban Settings?
Rikka Allolea Casiño Laplap-Macariola: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) Conditions and its Links to Intestinal Parasitism and Anemia Among Pregnant Women in the Philippines
Stella Neema: Children’s participation in inclusive innovation process using human rights based approach and design thinking
Uzra Sultana: Project Nirmal – Piloting appropriate and sustainable sanitation service delivery in small towns of Odisha, India
Dexter Lo: Floodplain Modeling as Tool for Communicating Urban Sanitation Issues in a Changing Climate: The Case of Bitanag Creek
***** Poster presentations DT2018 *****
Here are the conference poster presentations that are allowed to be published in our website.
Garcia- Promotion of dry urine diverting (eco-san) toilets in rural Nepal – results, technical development and challenges
Farhat- An Initiative to Introduce Water Sanitation and Hygiene Education in Schools Through WASH Clubs in Rural Areas of Bahawalpur District, Pakistan
Lloyd- EkoLakay in Haiti: Can Container-Based Sanitation be a Key Component of Citywide Inclusive Sanitation for Dense Urban Settings?
Masgon- Human Urine as Soil Enhancer to Sustainable Vegetable Gardens of an IDP Community in Marawi City
Viskari- Nutrient Recovery With Source Separation of Urine- Environmental Benefits and Fertilizer Potential (published earlier)
Various Authors (2018). Dry Toilet Conference 2018 - presentations and posters.
Composting, vermicomposting (solid waste), composting toilets Container based systems (CBS) English Europe & Central Asia Faeces or faecal sludge Fertiliser Posters, brochures and flyers Presentations Urine Urine diversion dehydration toilets (UDDTs)
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