Published in: 2019
Pages: 92
World Bank
World Bank
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Utilities can play an important role in reducing and eliminating barriers faced by women. This study presents a first-of-its-kind analysis that aims to heighten understanding of key barriers and bottlenecks that women face in their career in the water sector and identify interventions that water companies can put in place to increase gender diversity in the water workforce. The report draws on survey data collected from 64 water and sanitation utilities in 28 economies; focus group discussions with water utility staff in Belarus, Egypt, and Malawi; and in-depth key informant interviews with representatives of utilities, academia, and international organizations. The study also draws on secondary survey data from the International Benchmarking Network for Water and Sanitation Utilities (IBNET) and the Mining and Utilities Statistics Database (MINSTAT); gender diversity assessments from water utilities in Albania, Kosovo, and Romania conducted by the Economic Dividends for Gender Equality (EDGE) Certification Foundation and the World Bank; insights from a qualitative study on female representation in a utility in Bangladesh, conducted as part of a World Bank water and sanitation project; and an extensive review of literature on female employment in utilities and infrastructure-related sectors.
World Bank (2019). Women in Water Utilities - Breaking Barriers. World Bank
English Factsheets and policy briefs Gender equality Women in Water Jobs Women's rights & representation and empowerment
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