Published in: 2019
Pages: 8
City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation Technical Assistance Hub (CWIS TA Hub, South Asia); Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)
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Godawari Municipality is located in Lalitpur District in Province No. 3 of Nepal. The municipality consist of 14 wards with the total population of 116,045 residing in 18,232 households. The majority of the population use lined tanks with impermeable walls and open bottom followed by fully lined tanks, lined pits with semi-permeable walls and open bottom, pits (all types) never emptied but abandoned when full and covered with soil and unlined pits. Emptying of the onsite sanitation facilities is either mechanical (65%) provided by a private desludging service provider or manual (35%). There are no treatment facilities for treating faecal sludge in Godawari Municipality. The manually emptied faecal sludge is buried and used to fertilize crops, whereas mechanically emptied faecal sludge is disposed in the environment without treatment by the private mechanical service providers. The SFD graphic has shown that 97% of the faecal sludge is unsafely managed and 3% of the faecal sludge is safely managed. The containment systems in Godawari Municipality are not properly sited, designed, constructed or maintained, leading to the high risk of groundwater faecal contamination. So, the population using groundwater for drinking purposes might not be suitable for human consumption.
CWIS TA Hub & ENPHO (2019). SFD Lite Report - Godawari Municipality, Nepal. City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation Technical Assistance Hub (CWIS TA Hub, South Asia); Environment and Public Health Organization (ENPHO)
East Asia & Pacific English SFD General Library SFD Report
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