Published in: 2020
Pages: 8
Centre for Science and Environment
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cewas - international centre for water management services
Noorpur is a small town in Bijnor District, Uttar Pradesh and is located 38 km South-East of Bijnor city, District Headquarters. According to Census 2011 Noorpur has a population of 38,801 residing in 6,324 households (HHs). The population of the city as per Swachh Survekshan (Country wide annual ranking mechanism for cities with respect to sanitation) conducted in 2019 is 43, 500 corresponding to 7096 HHs. This population is used for the preparation of SFD. The urban local body governing the town is Noorpur Nagar Palika Parishad (NNPP) or Noorpur Municipal Council. NNPP has an administrative area of 1.55 which is divided into 25 wards. The density of the city is 36,500 people per which is very high in comparison to the state density of 828 people per The geographical coordinates of Noorpur are 29°09'05.8" North and 78°24'13.0" East. The topography of Bijnor district is majorly plain. It is elevated 225 metres above sea level. The average rainfall is 999.4 mm. The temperature rises to 46°C and drops to 6°C. The soil type is clayey and sandy with occasional gravel and boulder.
CSE (2020). SFD Lite Report - Noorpur, India. Centre for Science and Environment
East Asia & Pacific English Politicians and local decision makers Practitioners SFD Report
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