Published in: 1999
Pages: 4
Skinner, B., Shaw, R.
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Many publications describe the protection of springs from contamination using spring boxes. The construction of such a structure takes time and money, and in many cases it may not be really necessary.
A spring box can be useful as:
-A sedimentation chamber where particles of sand carried in the spring water can settle out.
-A storage chamber, which is useful for springs where the peak rate of demand exceeds the rate of flow of the spring.
-A method of protecting the spring waterfrom contamination.
-A way of collecting the spring water by giving it an easy flow path from the aquifer into a delivery pipe.
Skinner, B., Shaw, R. (1999). Protecting springs - an alternative to spring boxes. WEDC
English Guidelines and manuals Practitioners Water (irrigation, process, other)
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