Published in: 2020
Pages: 188
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This Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crises (WiPC) is the first UNICEF global thematic evaluation focusing specifically on protracted crisis contexts.This evaluation provides both accountability for UNICEF’s perfor- mance as well as learning and practical solutions for adapting WASH programming and ways of working to better meet the unique challenges of providing appropriate and sustainable WASH services in protracted crises.
WASH needs in protracted crises have increased considerably over the evaluation period. So has the UNICEF response.The evaluation explores the extent to which UNICEF has been able to meet corporate commitments for WiPC and whether tools and approaches designed largely for rapid-onset emergencies have been effective in protracted crises. It looks at whether UNICEF has been able to adapt and innovate programming as a crisis endures and evolves.The evaluation also looks at UNICEF’s experience implementing linking humanitarian and development (LHD) for WiPC, and how well-placed the organization is to adapt its work to fully achieve its ambi- tions for LHD in WiPC.
UNICEF (2020). Global Evaluation of UNICEF’s WASH Programming in Protracted Crises 2014-19. UNICEF
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