Published in: n.d.
Pages: 32
Nabembezi, D., Nabunya, H.
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In order to address sanitation challenges, accelerate access and sustained use of latrines coupled with good hygiene practices such as hand washing Uganda’s Ministry of Health, together with Plan Uganda, has produced handbooks on sanitation marketing. The aim is to increase awareness and harness momentum for uptake of Sanitation Marketing among stakeholders such as government at policy making level, line ministries, district local government structures and civil society organizations. This handbook outlines key facts about sanitation marketing, a step-by-step approach to development and implementation of a sanitation marketing project and also suggested key references for further reading for a wide range of audiences but more specifically, policy makers, program managers, business entrepreneurs in sanitation, financial institutions and behavioral change communication specialists.
Nabembezi, D., Nabunya, H. (n.d.). Sanitation Marketing: A Handbook for Sanitation Managers and Private Sector Players.
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