Published in: 2023
Pages: 49
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Phungling Municipality is in the Taplejung District of Koshi Province of Nepal and is the only municipality of this district. The total area of the municipality is 125.57 square kilometres which is divided in 11 wards (Phungling, 2023).
The total population of the municipality is 28,786, with male and female population percentage of 49.2% and 50.8%, respectively. In Phungling Municipality, 7,306 families are residing in 5,888 households.
Basic sanitation coverage in the municipality is 98.6%. The rest of the population defecate in open places or use a neighbour’s toilet. None of the Households (HHs) in the municipality has toilet or containment connected to an offsite sanitation system. 1.1% have a toilet connected to a biogas digester, 3.6% of the households have a toilet connected to a fully lined tank, 14.4% are connected to lined tank with impermeable walls and open bottom, 0.6% are connected to a septic tank and 80.4% constructed a toilet connected to an unlined pit, which all contributes to the percentage of households having toilet excluding open defecation.
Overall, the SFD graphic shows that 74% of the excreta generated are safely managed while 26% of the excreta generated are not. The safely managed percentage of FS generated by 73% of the population is temporary until the tanks and pits become full and Faecal Sludge from the containment is emptied. 1% of the FS that is safely managed and treated is due to the 1% of households having a biogas digester.
ENPHO (2023). SFD (level 2) Report - Phungling Municipality, Nepal. ENPHO
English Politicians and local decision makers Practitioners SFD Report South Asia
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