Published in: 2003
Wilke, I.
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Promoting ecological sanitation involves confronting potential users on a psy chological level. I illustrate this through my personal experience as a user of a dry urine diversion system. However, everyone’s experience will be different. George Kelly’s concept of ‘personal construct’ is a useful concept towards describing the multitude of attitudes, preferences and taboos people may have surrounding sanitation.
Asking people to change the sanitation system they’re accustomed to, is asking a lot. It amounts to asking potential users to change their particular and ingrained personal construct regarding sanitation. How does one convert potential users to accept ecosan? From my experience I have crystallised four key concepts which played a major role in successfully changing my ‘flush-loo’ personal construct to incorporate ecosan. These are motivation, choice, supportive environment and experience
Wilke, I. (2003). Psychology and sanitation - A personal perspective. GTZ/IWA
English Presentations
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