Published in: 2010
Rosemarin, A.
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SuSanA secretariat
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Stockholm Environment Institute
Phosphorus, as a fertiliser, is important for the world's food production. The estimated lifetime of the reserves are ending in approx. 100 years. The demand for phosphorus is rising as well as the prices of this limited resource. The presentation gives an overview of alternative sanitation solutions such as urine diverting toilets, biogas or constructed wetlands to face the agriculture and sanitation challenges.
The presentation was given by Arno Rosemarin at the 2nd International Lecture Series on Sustainable Sanitation with the Theme: “Peak Phosphorous and its Alternative” on October 15, 2010 at the World Bank Office in Pasig City (Metro Manila), Philippines.
Rosemarin, A. (2010). Peak Phosphorus, The Next Inconvenient Truth? - 2nd International Lecture Series on Sustainable Sanitation, World Bank, Manila, October 15, 2010.
English Food security and productive sanitation (WG5) Journalists Presentations
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