Clean water, sustainable sanitation and proper hygiene are a fundamental part of maintaining and accelerating the control of infectious and tropical diseases worldwide.
The ISNTD Water network brings together researchers, advocates and professionals in the fields of both WASH and global health to collaborate on research, pool funding and resources and work towards concrete and measurable goals in the field.
Neglected Tropical Diseases affect over 1.4 billion individuals worldwide, most of which are amongst the poorest and most vulnerable and live in areas with inadequate water and sanitation. The lack of such facilities not only imposes an immense burden on those individuals directly, but also provides a breeding ground for the numerous diseases and perpetrate cycles of re-infections when disease control has been achieved.
Improvement in water and sanitation provision can be the most important contribution towards better health by breaking transmission cycles, eradicating the breeding grounds for dangerous pathogens and providing the opportunity for overall economic and social development.
ISNTD Water provides the multidisciplinary platform and network for the research, charity and business sectors to partner and collaborate to address diseases and conditions of poverty worldwide.
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SuSanA Admin (susanaadmin)
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