This webinar will present a serious game that is designed to share knowledge about resource recovery and support attitude-change and collaboration between players. RECLAIM is a collaborative board game that was developed through a co-design process with urban sanitation stakeholders in Uganda and Sweden. The webinar will introduce the concept of using serious games in urban planning and show how the game is played. It will also include a discussion with actors in Kampala, Uganda about how the game can be applied in urban sanitation planning.
Since 2017, the SPANS (Sanitation Planning for Alternative Nutrient-recovery Systems) research project has been exploring innovations in sanitation technologies and planning techniques in order to improve sanitation service delivery and the recovery of nutrients for agricultural use. The project is implemented by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden), Chalmers University of Technology and Makerere University in Uganda. One of the methodologies the project has pursued is the application of serious gaming as a way of informing decision-making in sanitation planning incorporating the recycling of nutrient resources.
Serious games have been found to be effective for understanding of complex systems, increasing social learning, motivating and engaging participants, and promoting trust and collective reflection. This seminar provides insights and lessons learned regarding development of a serious game to promote knowledge and collaboration for resource recovery in sanitation systems.
Organized by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Makerere University and Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, as part of the SPANS research project.
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