6th Sanitation Community of Practice Meeting: Sanitation in Fragile and Conflict Affected States
30th April 2010, hosted by WaterAid, 47-49 Durham Street, London
Agenda and Participants
Working effectively in fragile and conflict affected states: building peaceful states and societies, Helen Richards (DFID)
The role of SWA-Gf4A in Fragile States, Tom Slaymaker (WaterAid)
Options for sanitation service provision in Freetown, David Sutherland (Atkins)
Tearfund’s learning from working in fragile states, Mari Williams (Tearfund)
SHARE research agenda and potential funding opportunities, Sandy Cairncross (LSHTM)
7th Sanitation Community of Practice Meeting: Making Sanitation Enterprises Viable
11th November 2010, Overseas Development Institute, 111 Westminster Bridge, London
Keynote Sanitation Markets, Sophie Tremolet
Pro-poor markets for urban sanitation in Jakarta, Indonesia, Michelle Kooy (ODI)
Comparing ecological with conventional sanitation systems using financial and economic analysis, Jonathan Parkinson (IWA)
Sanitation Market 1- Pit emptying
Faecal sludge emptiers in Freetown, Sierra Leone, Georges Mikhael (WEDC) (to bbe uploaded shortly)
Matching finance and sanitation, WASTE/Africa Initiative Film
Sanitation Market 2 - Shared sanitation and household markets
Community ablution blocks vs. landlord led solutions, Lucy Stevens (Practical Action)
Learning activity based on shared sanitation in slums, Adrien Mazeau (WEDC) (to be uploaded shortly)
Results of the learning activity, Adrien Mazeau (WEDC)